

Definition of "Hell" according Oxford Dictionary:

(in some religions) the place believed to be the home of devil and where bad people go after death

Hell is a place which we often wish others will go to but not ourselves, because we believe that it is a horrible place, only for horrible people. When someone has offended us, or should I say we feel offended by others (because most of the time those people don't even notice their action has offended someone) we usually wish them to go to that place.

Depending on religions, hell can be described differently and take different forms. But in general, that is a place which any mortal does not wish to end up to, which explains why we use it against those we hold a grudge or we hate. It is a place full of horrible thing. Only those who have done bad things in their life should and will end up there.

I wish that Hell does exist.

Never in my life I have said "Go to hell" to anyone, and hopefully I will not need to for the rest of my life. However, the main reason I never used it to curse others is not because I do not believe in existence of Hell, nor because some people do not reserve to go to, but rather because I do not think that by cursing them, they will end up there. It would be too naïve to think that people will go to hell only when we tell them to. That curse word, very much like other curse words, for me is just a way to express our anger to others, who we believe that has led us to the undesirable situation that we were facing. 

Ironically, one of the reason I never said that curse word to others, is because I do believe that hell exists. I believe that if some people have done some really bad things, hell is the final destination for them, and this is independent of whether we curse that person or not. Hence, instead of cursing those people, I would rather focus on myself to make sure that I am not doing things that would led me to that horrible place after death.

The main reason that I believe, and wish that hell does exist, is because I do believe that many people have done many bad things in life and they did not receive the punishment that they deserve. Some events may have been unearthed, but sadly I think that there are a lot more that is unknown to everyone, except the perpetrator alone. In fact, I do have faith in justice. But justice should not just rely merely on the juridical system. Juridical system is created by human, and executed by human. It means that it can be manipulated or biased. I also do not encourage taking justice by our own hand, as we are all human. We are all biased by our background, our interest, and our interpretation of each event. The ultimate justice, therefore, should not be carried out by human.

Another reason that I wish for the existence of hell, it is that that would allow me to feel better when I found out that the justice is not served. If the juridical system is not able to serve the equivalent punishment to those who deserve it, the belief of existence of hell, would relieve part of my frustration. The mere thought of people can get away with they did to others, without receiving the equivalent punishment, would make me uncomfortable.

If Hell does exist, will all those who did bad thing should end up there? How "bad" the thing needs to be? If the smallest bad thing we did in life would send us there, then Hell would be surely overcrowded. All of us, at one time or another, have done bad things to others, either accidentally or intentionally. We may have thrown a pebble at a cat when we were kid, or lied to our neighbor after we broke their window, or cheated on our spouse, but do we deserve to stay in Hell because of those events? I certainly hope not. Nevertheless, I do hope that some people would definitely end up there.

Among all those who have committed sins in life, I think that those who use religion as an excuse, to achieve what they want in life would be the top scorer. I think there is nothing more despicable than that. I never really understand those who people. If they are really religious people, then the fact that they are abusing religion to get what they want in life, they should know better than anyone else that they will surely end up in Hell. If they are not religious people at all, it would mean that all they claim, they know exactly that it is nonsense. They do not believe in religion, and they merely use IT as a tool for personal interest. There are many people who use other people or other things as a tool to get what they want in life, but if one is bold enough to use the Almighty, then one should have the balls to endure Hell.

Not that I do not afraid to go there after life, but if I need to live having to believe that Hell does not exists, and those who deserved to be there would not end up there, I believe that part of my life would be real Hell.
